Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Shot in the Arm!

In the last week or so, I began to feel signs and symptoms of a lower red blood cell count.  Who but a non-chemo virgin would notice such a thing?? In the past, I may have just thought I was tired, or getting out of shape, or getting a cold or something . . .

The first indication was during a workout with Super-Trainer T.  We are close friends (I love this woman!) and so we talk the whole time during my once-a week-ish weight training session.  By we, I guess I mean, I talk the whole time--after all, a lot happens in a week! And there's only so much that even a Perfect Husband wants to hear.  But on this day, talking while lifting weights was not going so well.  In the few days that followed, I also noticed myself getting winded, even during power-shopping with my lovely daughter in Georgetown.  Power shopping does require energy and fous, but it is not exactly an extreme sport.  For some in my weekly boot camp workout class, my inability to talk and workout simulateously might be a benefit, but not for me.

Like the cancer nerd I am, I had saved all of my lab slips from 2010, and this year, so I made a chart.  Like the non-techie that I am, it is on paper with ink, not an excel spreadsheet.  But it very clearly shows the ups & downs of my white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets.  I knew enough to suspect the inability to power talk and power walk simulataneoulsy was not a Gerry Ford-type problem, but likely a drop in the hemos and hemas--i.e., my red blood cell count.

My next visit to Dr. S confirmed my suspicions with actual lab results--in fact showing that my blood counts now--after three cycles of treatment--are lower than they were at the very end of treatment in 2010.  The possibility of underlying anemia was ruled out, concluding it is chemo-related.  Again, that non-virgin chemo patient status rears its ugly head--feed me, feed me! 

In fact, Dr. S quickly decided to feed me with a supercharged biotech drug that boosts red blood cell production.  It is a subcutaneous shot indicated for use when red blood cell counts are lowered, within a certain range (and not to be confused with the other "shot" to boost white blood cell production.  Let's keep those colors sdtraight!  This is an appropriate use of this treatment--so hopefully I will regain the ability to walk, talk, workout, and power shop, in various combinations.  No, I will not be vying for a top finish in the Tour de France.  Just in case you were wondering. 

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